Origin: Edmonton, Alberta
Genre: Roots, Jazz, Country, Children's Music
Years Active: 1998 - Present
Websites: www.monicaleemusic.com

Album: You, Me and The Moon
Genre: Children's Music
Release Date: May 24, 2023
Publicity Contact: mavis@nicemarmotpr.com
Canadian Beats - https://canadianbeats.ca/2023/04/12/monica-lee-five-questions-with/
The Partae - https://www.thepartae.com/monica-lee-coucou-premiere/
The Tinnitist - https://tinnitist.com/2023/03/31/monica-lee-coucou-mr-moon-exclusive-premiere/
Healthy Family Living - https://healthyfamilyliving.com/family-events-vancouver/
Vancouver Mom - https://www.vancouvermom.ca/for-mom/10-things-to-do-for-mothers-day-in-metro-vancouver/
Family Fun Canada - https://www.familyfuncanada.com/vancouver/mothers-day-in-point-grey/
STIR - https://www.createastir.ca/
JAZZ News - http://home.nestor.minsk.by/jazz/index.html
B-Side Guys - REVIEW - https://bsideguys.com/
Monica Lee, the Vancouver-based singer-songwriter known for her enchanting children’s music, delivers a timeless rendition of the 1934 classic, “Summertime.” Known for her delicate lyricism and potent vocals, Lee brings a profound sense of warmth and a playful sensibility to this beloved standard, an unexpected yet wholly pleasing addition to her first children’s album, “You, Me and the Moon.” This cover beautifully complements the album’s theme, which reflects the profound bond between parents and their children, taking listeners on a journey that traces the contours of familial love, from playful exploration to tender moments of affection. Monica Lee’s take on “Summertime” is both nostalgic and fresh, featuring her sweet and supple voice, which cascades over the melody with ease and grace. Her rendition retains the lulling, lullaby-like quality of the original, while her unique touch brings a new level of emotional depth to this familiar tune. The song’s timeless lyrics gain a new resonance when viewed through the lens of a parent-child relationship, becoming a testament to the tranquil moments of warmth and joy shared between a parent and their child during the summer months. The interplay between Lee’s vocal prowess and the subtle yet rich instrumentation creates a comforting sonic space, akin to a warm summer’s day where time seems to slow down. Monica Lee’s “Summertime” offers a heartwarming reinterpretation of a classic, demonstrating her exceptional ability to breathe new life into enduring songs and weave them into the fabric of her own musical storytelling. - B-Side Guys May 19, 2023